Salt Lake City Public Utilities
Riparian Corridor Stream Study

Ordinance and Information

Salt Lake City Riparian Corridor Study - Relationship to Riparian Corridor Overlay District Ordinance (RCO)

The Riparian Corridor Overlay (RCO) District Ordinance was passed by the Salt Lake City Council on July 22, 2008. The Riparian Corridor Study is a separate but related study and public outreach process. The links below provide additional information about the RCO. Or, information can be found by going to the Salt Lake City Council website at:  and looking under the “Riparian Corridor Overlay District” heading.

More details about the Riparian Corridor Study and how it relates to the RCO are provided below.

Purposes and Goals of Riparian Corridor Study

To assess current riparian corridor conditions
To determine desired future riparian corridor conditions
To identify opportunities for restoration and remediation of the City’s riparian corridors

Relationship to Riparian Corridor Overlay District Ordinance (RCO)

Purposes and Goals of the Riparian Corridor Study Public Outreach Process

Data, maps, and information developed during the study will be used to inform planning, permitting, and administrative processes of the RCO

Elicit community and stakeholder participation
Identify public values and concerns
Communicate results of the study for public awareness, education, and support
Inform the public as to where they can go to learn more about the RCO ordinance, which was addressed under a separate outreach process completed by City Council

Items/Issues the Riparian Corridor Study and Outreach Process Will NOT Specifically Address

The study will not be used to prompt any specific regulatory or enforcement measures under the RCO ordinance

The study and outreach process will not focus on answering detailed questions about the RCO requirements, RCO permitting process, or how the RCO affects specific properties

Ordinance 62

Fact Sheet

Clarion Riparian Diagnosis