Map Key
- GPS information updates every two minutes.
- Click on "trails" in the top right corner to see a history
of where the vehicles have traveled. Click on the time to
toggle between 15minutes/1hr/1day of history.
- Color coded system indicates activity level:
- Green - Moving
- Yellow - Stopped for less than an hour
- Red - Stopped for more than an hour
- When vehicles are not in use, most will be located
at the fleet facility near the intersection of I-215 and I-80.
- Blue - Idling
- Salt Lake City has a strict internal idling policy,
in addition to the Idle Free Ordinance. There are a few situations
where Sanitation vehicles need to idle. For example, in areas
with limited space where bins must be brought to a stationary
vehicle for service (like a cul-de-sac).