January 13 |
PLNPCM2009-00510: North Temple Boulevard Station Area Plans
PLNPVM2008-00206; Christian Center Maranatha Place of Worship-755 West 800 South
PLNPCM2009-01231; Thatcher Company Street Closure and Declaration of Surplus Property-985 feet west of Fortune Road at 1905 West
PLNPCM2009-00167; Nonconforming and Noncomplying Zoning Text Amendment
PLNPCM2008-00937; Zoning Text Amendment for Charitable Facilities
January 13 |
January 13 |
January 27 |
PLNPCM2009-00495; Zoning Text Amendment for Alcohol Regulations |
January 27 |
January 27 |
February 10 |
PLNPCM2009-00510; North Temple Boulevard Station Area Plans
PLNPCM2009-01358; East Bench Community Master Plan Amendment and PLNPCM2009-01359; Zoning Map Amendment
PLNPCM2009-00591; Edmonds Place-346 and 362 North Edmonds Place
February 10 |
February 10 |
February 24 |
PLNPCM2009-00929-Westfield Properties Master Plan Amendment; 2028 S. Lake Street
PLNPCM2009-00510-North Temple Boulevard Station Area Plan
February 24 |
February 24 |
March 10 |
PLNPCM2010-00072;The Odd Fellows Hall-39 W. Market Street
Briefing: Civic Campus Plan
Briefing: SLC Regional Sports Complex
Briefing:PLNPCM2009-00510; North Temple Viaduct Station Area
Briefing: Transit Station Area Zoning District
March 10 |
March 10 |
March 24 |
PLNHLC2009-01048; Stanley F. Taylor Home Designation-1812 South West Temple Street
PLNPCM2009-01423; Civic Campus Plan Master Plan Amendment
March 24 |
March 24 |
April 14 |
PLNPCM2009-00510; North Temple Boulevard Station Area Plans
PLNPCM2009-01347; Eastside Apartments Rezoning: 556 East to 300 South and 350 South to 600 East
PLNPCM2009-01348; Eastside Apartments Planned Development/conditional use
PLNPCM2010-00028; Regional Sports Complex Master Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment: 2223-2349 North Rose Park Lane
Regional Sports Complex-Supplemental Documents
April 14 |
April 14 |
April 28 |
PLNSUB2010-00074; Foothill Pl Apartments Carport Project, 2200 and 2260 S Foothill Blvd |
April 28 |
April 28 |
May 12 |
Meeting Cancelled |
May 12 |
May 12 |
May 26 |
Petitions 410-761 and 490-06-04; Time Extension for the Macland Subdivision Planned Development
Establish Historic Overlay District as Westmoreland Place; between 1500 and 1600 E and 1300 S and Browning Ave
PLNPCM2010-00173: Conditional Use for Crematorium
PLNPCM2010-00132; Conditional Use for an Animal Cremation Service
PLNPCM2010-00096: TSA Transit Station Area Zoning District
PLNPCM2009-00510; North Temple Boulevard Station Area Plans
PLNPCM2010-00071; Zone Open Space to M-1 Light Industrial
PLNPCM2009-01347; Eastside Apartments, approx.556 E 300 S
PLNPCM2010-00044; Alder-Robinson Subdivision; approx. 2857 E 2100 S
May 26 |
May 26 |
June 9 |
Initiate petition to grant the Historic Landmark Commission the ability to initiate petitions relating to historic preservation.
PLNPCM2010-00146; Redwood Road Surplus Property; 650 S Redwood Rd
PLNPCM2010-00145; Landfill Surplus Property
Proposed Ordinance, Title 14, and Chapter 14.54
Hampton Inn/Foothill Dental mixed use project PLNPCM2010-00236 and PLNSUB2010-00383; 1345 & 1355 S Foothill Dr
PLNPCM2010-00096; North Temple Boulevard and Vicinity Rezoning
Westminster Mixed Use Planned Development; approx. 2120 S 1300 E
June 9 |
June 9 |
June 23 |
PLNSUB2010-00044; Alder- Robinson Subdivision
PLNPCM2009-01423; Public Safety Complex - Central Community Master Plan Amendment
PLNPCM2009-01337; Amendments to the Use Table Sustainability Regulations
PLNPCM2010-00188; A1 Auto Parts Conditional Use
PLNPCM2010-00320; South Temple Street Closure
PLNSUB2009-00575, PLNPCM2009-00576, 00577; Buena Vista Subdivision
June 23 |
June 23 |
July 14 |
PLNPCM2010-00243; Burton Conditional Use, 1433 S 1100 East
PLNPCM2010-00231; Conditional Use and Planned Development, 425 E 700 South
PLNPCM2008-01338; Sustainability Ordinance Accessory Structures for Urban Agriculture
PLNPCM2010-00112; Chick-Fil-A, 1206 E 2100 South
July 14 |
July 14 |
July 28 |
PLNPCM2009-00734; Cannon Ward parking
PLNSUB2010-00013; SLCC Alley Vacation
PLNPCM2010-00448 and PLNPCM2010-00461 Yalecrest Neighborhood Overlay District
PLNPCM2009-01337 - Sustainability Report
July 28 |
July 28 |
August 11
PLNPCM2010-00182- Crandall Cover Minor Subdivision
PLNPCM2009-01389- Street Closure
PLNPCM2010-00300- Sentry Security systems text amendment
PLNPCM2010-00448 and PLNPCM2010-00461 Yalecrest Neighborhood Overlay District
PLNCPM2010-00369, PLNPCM2010-00370 Hatch Family Chocolates Development Project
PLNPCM2010-00154 and PLNSUB2010-00301 Solei Cove Planned Development
August 11 |
August 11 |
August 25 |
PLNPCM2009-00346 Zoning Map Amendment |
August 25 |
August 25 |
September 8 |
PLNPCM2010-00229: Salt Lake Clinic
PLNPCM2010-00476: Building Height in M-1 Industrial Districts
PLNSUB2010-00182 Crandall Cove Minor Subdivisions
PLNPCM2010-00223- Salt Lake City Code Maintenance
PLNPCM2010-00354- Major street Plan Amendment
PLNPCM2010-00449: Utah Crew rowing dock Conditional Use
September 8 |
September 8 |
September 22 |
Memo - Height Restrictions - FBI Building |
September 22 |
September 22 |
October 13 |
PLNPCM2010-00412 Questar Setback
Petition 410-07-57 Extension for the Boyer Company Extension Request for Ordinance 74 of 2006
PLNPCM2010-00487 Club Limo Conditional Use
PLNPCM2010-00328 Zoning Map Amendment for the Open Space (OS) Zoning Classification
PLNPCM2010-00516 and PLNPCM2010-00488 Conditional Use Approval and Building/Site Design Review for the New Apollo Burger
October 13 |
October 13 |
October 27 |
PLNPCM2010-00322 Zoning Text Amendment for Water Efficient Landscaping/Tree Protection
PLNPCM2010-00516 and PLNPCM2010-00488 Conditional Use Approval and Building/Site Design Review for the New Apollo Burger
PLNPCM2009-01338 Zoning Text Amendment for Sustainability Development Codes
PLNPCM2010-00549 Zoning Map Amendment for Residential Mixed Use (RMU) Zoning Classification
October 27 |
October 27 |
November 10 |
PLNPCM2010-00612 Zoning Text Amendment for Accessory Dwelling Units
Petition 410-08-44 Saxton Grove Planned Unit Development
PLNPCM2010-00549 Zoning Map Amendment for Residential Mixed Use (RMU) Zoning Classification
PLNPCM2010-00322 Zoning Text Amendment for Water Efficient Landscaping/Tree Protection
PLNSUB2010-00088 & PLNPCM2010-00089 Preliminary Subdivision and Declaration of Surplus Property for Utah Paperbox
PLNSUB2010-00584 & PLNPCM2010-00572 Minor Subdivision and Planned Development for Firm Marketplace
November 10 |
November 10 |
December 8
Briefing Information
TDM Fact Sheet
Project Status Sustainability City Code
Open House Outdoor Lighting
PC Memo Update
Billboard Briefing
PLNPCM2010-00672 Harmon's Grocery Store Planned Development
PLNPCM2010-00561 Neff Rezoning
PLNPCM2010-00594 Phillips Conditional Use for and Office/ Reception Center in a Landmark Site
PLNPCM2010-00300 Sentry Electric Fence Security Systems Text Amendment
PLNSUB2010-00692 Mt. Olivet/Roland Hall-St. Mark's School Subdivision
PLNPCM2010-00064 Fine Tuning Zoning
December 8
December 8